New Air Conditioned Motorcycle Vest – A New Easy Way to Stay Comfortable and Proud While You Ride

Are you a biker? No, smart guy, I don’t mean are you a guy that rides motorcycle a few times a month but otherwise you stay trapped in your four wheel boxers. Are you the kind of guy that rides you bike 24/7, is it your main or even sole means of transportation? Do you have dreams about your bike, do you turn to steel just looking at you dream machine? If your a real rider then the one thing that you love more then you bike is your gear; your boots, your vest and your jacket. The only problem is that your vest and jacket are made of leather, most of the time black leather, and they can get dang hot in the summer or cold as heck in the winter! So whats the answer to staying true to your biker soul while keeping your biker body comfortable? The New Hog Cooler leather motorcycle jacket. This is a Patented one of a kind piece of apparel.
Any real biker knows that keeping cool in the summer and warm in the winter is the one advantage that the Boxer crowd has over us. We love our jackets and they keep us safe while at the same time looking cool in the summer and hot in the winter. But, looks can be deceiving. Anyone who rides regular will tell you that even a vest can be right uncomfortable in the blast of the summer sun. In the winter you are cold as ice even with the liner in. The simple physics of it is a wet biker moving at high speed with wind pouring over him equals biker icicle. The fact is leather has a flaw, it doesn’t breathe and biker gear has another innate flaw, its black, these add up to great looking but not very comfortable gear.
The dilemma that most bikers face to whether to be comfortable or show their pride in their lifestyle of their club by wearing their gear and displaying their club colors. Of course when faces with this choice any real biker is going to wear their gear and try their best to just tough it out with being uncomfortable.
This is the main reason the guys developed the vest system. Its help to keep riders cool in the summer and warm in the winter without any complicated contraptions or cumbersome messy heat and cold packs. The system was designed for real bikers by real bikers.
The way that the system works is real simple. You order your new custom built leather biker jacket or vest and they will create is for you out of top grain 100% pure cowhide black leather. Just send them the colors and artwork and they will work that up for you too. If you have a lot of run patches or flags just pull them off the old vest or jacket and send them along with the order and they will place them before the final product is assembled. When you new jacket arrives it will come with a saddle bag cooler insert that you fill with ice and a connector hose that links the cooler bag with your jacket. That’s it just ride and all day you will stay cooler and comfortable at an average of 65 degrees even on the hottest of summer days in the full noon day sun.
When the weather starts to get cool you just hook a couple of simple connect wires to your bike and plug in the connector on the jacket and you will be kept warm and toasty all winter long no matter two far down the mercury gets. The best part is that the whole system only draws four amps from the bike, that’s less than you turn signal! And since it is bike powered you don’t have to worry about special batteries or having to recharge energy packs to power the heating system, as long as your on your bike and the engine is running your upper body will be warm.